10:39 AM
Amir Nazmi
I just wondering what is the different between the x32-bit and 64 bit Windows in operating system.. After Google in internet.. i found the explanation of the problem. Here is it:
This is only the small information that i want to share..
If you have any confusion or just wondering about the window, here the link that maybe can help
got to go... Now is the midght>>>>
10:06 PM
Amir Nazmi
Hello, everyone... last night i was installed the 3'd Max for my project. I quite familiar in using the 3d Max.. but last night i found that the program has a little difficulties adapting in the new Windows 7... The panel for different view ex: perspective,front,top and left become white and some time the panel show what am i doing... so i realize that when i starting the program a pop up windows told me that something fail to initialize..-->i forgot what is the location of the problem but it told that 988 or 998 error, something like that. That why it became nuts... so after made some research finally i found a solution (it could be other method if you can solve it yourself). For those who still using the 3d's Studio Max 9 in vista, you can visit the link below and download the Autodesk 3ds Max 9 Service Pack 2
1. Go to the link above
2.Download the
64 bit - 3dsMax9 SP2 64bit.zip(zip-21818Kb)
32 bit - 3dsMax9 SP2 32bit.zip(zip-1737Kb)
*depend what type you install.
3.Extract the folder
There should be no problem after the installation. If there is another problem occur, you can try to Google it and it must be some one will help you on the forum..(sorry i also still learning ) For those who have another alternative to solve this problem you are welcome to comment and adding more information about the topic.
Sharing Is Caring v[^,^]v
12:34 AM
Amir Nazmi
Masa berganti masa.. hari berganti-hari.. 22.08.09, maka tiba la Ramadhan, dimana banyak kelebihan dalam bulan ini.. Maka marilah kita sama-sama merebut peluang ini dengan sebaik2ny....
Tingkatkn amal dan sedekah pada bulan ini...rebut la peluang ini kerana, masih adakan ramadhan utk kita di tahun hadapan?? renung2 kn lah.... Semoga Segala amalan kita di bulan yg mulia ini akan di terima yang maha Esa... Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan--->>
Hadith :
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya: “Apabila datangnya bulan Ramadhan, pintu-pintu syurga dibuka, manakala pintu-pintu neraka ditutup, syaitan dirantaikan.”
Riwayat Bukhari & Muslim
Pengajaran Hadis:
i) Perkataan Ramadhan berasal dari kata dasar ‘ra-mim-dal’, yang bererti “panas” atau “panas yang menyengat”. Perkataan ini berkembang sehingga ertinya membawa maksud “menjadi panas atau sangat panas”, atau diertikan juga sebagai “hampir membakar”. Oleh itu makna Ramadhan boleh diringkaskan sebagai waktu atau keadaan di mana seseorang merasa panas, mulut terasa kering dan tenggorok terasa haus disebabkan sedang berpuasa.
ii) Manakala perkataan puasa dalam bahasa Arab disebut ‘Siyam’ atau ‘Soum’ Kedua-duanya berasal dari kata dasar ‘Sa-wa-ma’, di mana secara etmologinya bererti menahan diri daripada segala yang dilarangnya serta mengikuti apa yang diperintahkan-Nya. Hal ini dapat diwujudkan dengan adanya perasaan takut (taqwa) kepada Allah S.W.T.
iii) Pada bulan Ramadhan umat Islam diwajibkan berpuasa kerana dengan puasalah nafsu akan terdidik. Bahkan dengan rahmat Allah S.W.T di bulan ini segala syaitan dan iblis dibelenggu dan Allah juga membuka pintu syurga dan menutup pintu neraka. Maka dalam situasi demikian kita hendaklah mengambil peluang untuk menguatkan jiwa dan rohani dengan mengerjakan amal ibadah seperti sembahyang tarawikh dan membaca Al Quran sesuai dengan kemuliaan dan kebesaran bulan tersebut.
iv) Selain itu Allah S.W.T juga memberikan dorongan untuk kita berusaha memperbanyakkan ibadah dengan melipatgandakan pahala pengamalnya serta disediakan satu malam yang lebih baik iaitu ‘Lailatul Qadar’ di mana kelebihannya menandingi 1000 bulan malam-malam biasa.
(sumber dari http://ii.islam.gov.my)
8:45 AM
Amir Nazmi
Coming Soon a New MPPUTP show...
Check out MPPUTP website in this short time.... get ready....
7:02 AM
Amir Nazmi
From XP i've transform to Window 7 Ultimate.... This new OS will bring a new dimension to the Microsoft Company.... After struggling with the Vista now the new era of the Microsoft will rising.
=> This is the Desktop look in the Window 7..(looking nice right???)
=> The Interface look very cool and it is transparent.
=> There is more theme is to be use
(but i still like this one.. depend on you)
=> very nice!!!
=> There are also using small amount of the RAM,not burden you laptop or PC.
(in this pic i open many program so the RAM increase a bit)
=> In vista, there are so much using RAM and the computer become slow
=> But there are still much more to discover the real test for the new Window
Actually the security of this new operating system is the same as the vista and the stability as same as XP. Finally they found the solution. But for me.. overall the system is very cool and for those who interested, come and lets transform to new operating system..