:: How to Increase your Window 7 Boot::
Selamat Hari Raya to all...
It's been a while since my last sharing was posted.. emmm now is still early in the morning, after performing, Subuh, prayer, i sat at the study table and finding something in the web.... well nothing to do... just seeking extra knowledge for technology... The interesting part, i was found the easy tutorial for speeding the booting time in the window 7--> For those who are using it only...
So this is the tips::
A simple tweak will help you to decrease the boot time of windows 7. You will be benified by this tweak only if you have a multiple core processor. These days most of the computers have a dual core or quad core or something better than that CPU's.
* Press [Win] + R or take the RUN option from the start menu.
* Now type msconfig in there and press Enter Key to open up the System Configuration Window. Click on the Boot tab in there.
You will see a box called Time out. This is the time (in sec) which the system waits for the user to select the operating system to boot to.
* If you use only a single operating system (don't dual boot) you can safely set the value to 0.
* But if you have more than one operating system installed then set it to 3 or more (which ever is convenient).
* Now after doing the above step click the " Advanced Options " button. The Boot Advanced Options Window will then pop up.
* Tick the check box saying "Number of Processors". Now click on the drop down box and select the maximum number of processor cores (might be 2 or more).
* Press " OK " and also tick the " No GUI Boot " option too.
* Click " Apply "and then on " OK " and thats it.
(source from computer unleashed)
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