:: Holidays 3days::

Well see the title..

So happy holidays for the labor only<--- strictly for the labor... ahahaha

::New Sony Vegas 9::

Hello everyone...

This time i will introduce to you a new vegas video production, the latest vegas product that might be blow your mind. So let move on!... In this new version of vegas, i even did not yest test what Sony make improvement from the previous product of the vegas. After reading some information about this product, well i see some of the new feature that interesting. The highlight features are:

  • Precise editing tools
  • Efficient Professional Work flow for 32 and 64 bit
  • Broad format support
  • Audio Control
  • Blueray Disk Authoring
  • Interactive tutorial
Well i think i will highlight what i interest most in this new features. First is the precise editing tools. So for those who create a montage or make video editing, they surely like to make their work very precise and also make a perfect shot for the best home video. Vegas can provide a very good platform which can help you for making your home video to a professional shot ( sort of, depend how creative and how good your idea). Many plugins that will help you in this software. I'm not gonna explain everything here, you can check out the vegas web for more information.

Then for audio editing, now i working hard for this matters since i need to blend some sound to produce a good sound effect and create some score using PRO SCORE (VC product<-- recommended). So vegas provide a best platform for audio editing and save the work in various type.

Well that all that i can write since, i'm not a good writer... you can read at:

I'm B@cK

Assalamualaikum, Hello every one...

It is been a while since my last post. This is my first post since 2010. There are a lot of interesting event coming in 2010. Insyaallah i will try to post more exciting about anything that come in my mind and my experience. There are a lot things going on and some time there are too many of them. So see u soon...

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